
Soundproofing is an important part of designing your commercial spaces. This applies to offices, large halls, banks, schools, hospitals, etc. Whether you’re retrofitting an old space, subdividing a larger unit into smaller offices or building a commercial complex from scratch, we can help you enjoy the best soundproofing solutions. This way, both you and your clients can enjoy the following benefits:

Reduce noise build up in large spaces

Large commercial spaces are at a high risk of noise pollution. Just imagine a large commercial space with noises from buzzing computers, whizzing copiers, clicking keyboard buttons, chatter among workmates, ringing phones, and the whirling air conditioning fans. All that noise can create a stressful environment for your clients and staff. Soundproofing through solutions such as acoustic ceiling tiles helps to absorb sound and prevent noise from bouncing off surfaces.

Prevent noise transfer from office to office

In commercial settings where there are many offices situated next to each other, poor soundproofing can create an unsustainable working environment. Normal sounds from one office will waft to the next room and that will create interference. When the problem is compounded, sounds from multiple adjourning offices can create a chaotic environment that will induce conflict and even resentment among various tenants or workers.

Improve productivity

Noise disturbs the peace and serenity that is needed in commercial settings. Be it a bank, a school, a hospital, or a legal office, peace and quiet are important for the holders of those offices to get any work done. If the environment is noisy, it will take them longer to get things done because concentration levels will be low, distractions will be everywhere, and conflicts over noise interference will be rampant. Solutions such as sound blocking panels can help with such challenges and spur productivity levels among staff, students, and tenants.

Maintain privacy

In some commercial settings such as hospitals, hotels, and legal offices, privacy is very important. Conversations in one room should not be heard beyond the walls and vice versa. This is especially important for clients as they need to feel that their information is protected and trust maintained. Lack of privacy in a hospital triage room, for example, can be embarrassing for some clients under certain situations. Similarly, lack of privacy in a lawyer’s office or a boardroom can erode trust and expose information that wasn’t meant to get out. Soundproofing can help mitigate such risks.

Create a welcoming ambience for your clients

Every client wants to walk into an office, retail space, banking hall or a medical facility that has a calm and welcoming ambience. A noisy and chaotic space ruins the image of your brand and projects the perception of poor service delivery. Through soundproof suspended ceilings and walls you can create an environment that makes your business feel professional and caring to your customers. And this can help you invite more clientele as well as keep them for longer. This is especially critical for businesses in the hospitality industry, e.g. massage parlors, salons, etc.

Need soundproofing advice? Talk to Acoustic Tile Ceiling Los Angeles and find out what your space needs done.